Events of Serum Thalassemia Prevention Federation, 2023
October 16, 2023: Sri Sanjib Acharya was present at the inauguration of the 74th Anniversary of Halderpara Friends Association Durga Puja where 15 Thalassemia Patients were given live-saving Thalassemia Medicines by the club and they inaugurated the Durga Puja. The other dignitaries present were Sri Arunaba Kar, Sri Arun Roy, Sri Raja Chandra, Sri Abhishek Kar, Sri Parthajit Panja, Sri Abhijit Dutta, Sri Srikant Khandelwal, Sri Shantanu Addya, Sri Partha Banerjee, Sri Dipankar Patra, Sri Anupam Mitra, Sri Subhas Das, Sri Rajib Chandra, and Sri Supratim Polley.